Learning to count requires some visual tools. Meet the rekenrek! Your child will use a rekenrek at school. You might recognize a rekenrek as a small abacus.Move all the beads to the right. This is called the “start” position. Let’s start counting: Zero… One… Two… Three Counting like this on the rekenrek helps your child visualize numbers through real-life objects.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4kfZS4U1YThe top row shows counting to ten. The next row shows counting eleven to twenty. In later grades, rekenreks have more rows to count higher.Now you can use a rekenrek to practice counting!Want to make a rekenrek to use at home? Watch and learn in HOW TO MAKE A REKENREK
Pre-Kindergarden Common Core Standards
Counting & Cardinality: Know number names and the count sequence.
(PK.CC.1) Count to 20.