Mobile Research Center on Cayuga Lake
Produced by: Ihotu Onah, Ithaca High School, Class of 2014Video & photography by: Nancy Coddington & Solvejg Wastvedt
A great way to catch some nautical rays, the boat itself doubles as a mobile research center. The program offers public eco-cruises, group charters, and field experiences for school-age children. Their goal: Get everyone out on Cayuga Lake and learning!
Bill Foster is the Program Director for Cayuga Lake Floating Classroom. "Young people have brilliant minds and make great observations," says Foster. "But they're often trained to think that they really don't know enough to say anything. We want to teach all of our young people that what they're observing and their opinions really matter."
On the Floating Classroom, the environmental science textbook comes to life. "Students help the scientists," says student-producer Ihotu Onah. "And, in turn, students gain true understanding of their surroundings."Click here to plan your visit to the Floating Classroom. Youth Voice is made possible by a grant from the PARK Foundation.