SYRACUSE, NY (WRVO) - U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) wants the Mohawk Valley to be at the center of one of the next big things in the world of technology: quantum computing. And researchers at SUNY Polytechnic Institute and Rome Labs are already working on it.
Schumer calls the worldwide development of quantum computing the great scientific race of the 21st century. That’s why he is throwing his support behind a bid by SUNY Poly to become one of several new National Centers of Quantum Science Research and Education.
"The competition will be fierce. There’s not just going to be one center, there are going to be a bunch. An undetermined number, probably between five and ten," said Schumer. "But we have a leg up because what we have been able to do here at Rome Labs and SUNY Poly.”
Schumer said SUNY is currently conducting research into quantum computing at SUNY Poly. That, along with Rome Lab’s Quantum Computing Center of Excellence, puts New York in a good position to get one of the spots.
SUNY Poly Interim President Grace Wang compared the development of quantum computing to the development of digital technology.
"From quantum sensors to quantum communication, and also the quantum computing, the SUNY researchers are enabling the future quantum technologies that will help us address more complex issues than what we can do today, from highly secure communications to more effective drug discovery," said