WRVO - Law enforcement officers in New York are making up for missing two years of remembrance ceremonies, usually held a the New York State Fair.
In sweltering heat Monday, the names of fallen officers were read during Law Enforcement Day at the Fair.
State Police First Deputy Superintendent Steven Nigrelli said it's the most names of fallen officers ever read.
"It is because during the shutdown of COVID, we couldn’t respectfully honor our fallen," said Nigrelli. "So today we read the name of 87 brothers and sisters, and a canine partner, who passed a way in '20, '21 and '22 so far."
Nigrelli said it wouldn’t have been right to ignore those lost during the COVID years. The list includes traditional police officers as well as corrections officers and district attorneys, anyone in the law enforcement field.
Nigrelli admits with the increase in guns on the street, it has become more dangerous for everyone, but he doesn’t think that has impacted recruitment.
"You would think it makes it difficult to recruit. But there’s a certain type of person who wants to go into law enforcement regardless of what’s going on in society currently, or legislative issues," he said. They're hell bent on protecting and serving their communities."
The State Police is recruiting candidates at the Fair this year, which runs through Labor Day.