A western New York advocacy group is pushing the state Senate and Assembly to prioritize electric buildings in their proposed budgets.
The MacArthur Foundation announced its 25 Fellows for 2022. The foundation aims to reward creativity with a $800,000, no strings attached stipend.
"These companies are gonna need this bill to help them with dollars, and I’ll help to push to allocate those dollars.”
The city launched the program as part of the Ithaca Green New Deal initiative, which aims to completely eliminate the city's net carbon emissions by 2030.
"When you think of the semiconductor industry, you don't automatically think of Corning."
The laws set standard wages for renewable energy jobs, set higher energy efficiency standards and incentivize thermal energy infrastructure and research.
"In order to really encourage STEM education, we need to focus and start early."
Off The Page from WSKG · Episode 10 - Julie Zickefoose talks about Saving Jemima: The Life and Love of a Hard Luck Jay Julie Zickefoose joins host Crystal…
The study shows an estimated 7,000 deaths a year due to occupational disease.
The bill still needs a vote in the Senate and approval from Gov. Kathy Hochul.
“The Greenidge facility itself, when it’s fully operational, will be emitting over a million tons of CO2 equivalents in the air every year.”
The grant would help scale up parts of the manufacturing economy locally, including incentives for other companies in the battery manufacturing supply chain to relocate to the Southern Tier.