The Broome Developmental Center is one step closer to becoming a site for addiction treatment. New York's Office of Addiction and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) will fund 50 beds for medically-supervised withdrawal in Building 1 of the Center, located in the Town of Dickinson. It could eventually have a hundred beds and include more services.
In order to get a licensed provider, Broome County has issued a Request for Proposals.
Democratic Broome County Executive Jason Garnar said details on other services will depend on the provider, but hand-offs to the next level of care will be necessary.
Garnar said local officials did bring community concerns to the state. "The needs that we’ve all heard from from people we’ll be thinking about in terms of how we go ahead and select that ultimate provider," he said Thursday at a press conference at BDC.
OASAS will fund up to $30,000 per bed each year. That money will have to pass through the county.
Republican State Senator Fred Akshar credited the bipartisan effort to get treatment services at Broome Developmental. "In dealing with an issue like this, it’s about putting people before politics," he said.
The Broome District Attorney’s office said Broome saw over 70 drug overdoses last year.
The deadline for providers to submit proposals is August 23rd.